High quality and branded cotton acreage is on the decline around the world. In China, there is a major shift from extra long staple (ELS) to long staple (LS) cotton acreage underway in Xinjiang, the country's top cotton-producing province. In the U.S., Pima acreage is rapidly disappearing while Egypt is expecting a 50% reduction from last year's output. Ultimately, the rise of long staple cotton is supplanting high quality and branded grades, the ramifications of which will have a major impact on how merchants, mills, and retailers trade, purchase, consume, market, and brand high-quality cotton as a fiber and end-product.
FCStone Fibers and Textiles (formerly Globecot, Inc.) proposes to undertake a strategic study of the key countries producing long staple (LS) and extra long staple (ELS) cotton with a primary focus on China, India, the U.S. and Egypt. If you would like more information about this study, download the project prospectus. If you have any questions regarding this study, please contact Saira Farrukh (saira.farrukh@fcstone.com) or Fred Hardin (fred.hardin@fcstone.com).
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