The past 18 months have challenged the global cotton trade as never before. After surviving a virtual collapse in aggregate textile demand not seen since the Great Depression, global over-capacity has become a serious problem for the long-term viability of the fiber and textile trade. Further, dramatic changes in the international textile industry have resulted in new consumption trends. This has led to serious problems for merchants, co-ops, producers and consumers of cotton. At the same time, cotton has lost market share to polyester on a global basis. As if these problems were not bad enough, provisions of the Farm Bill are having unforeseen effects on the market – effects that will have long-term implications.
As a result, we are undertaking an extensive multi-client study of the global supply and demand situation for polyester fiber and cotton. The study will be completed in June.
Recognizing that basic market statistics are widely available, FCStone Fibers & Textiles, is building upon these data to establish a realistic forecast for future textile fiber consumption and production. Because of our unique perspective of the cotton and textile businesses, we are leveraging our unique insight into the market with supporting quantitative and qualitative information. The ensuing study will be designed to provide a competitive advantage to sponsor companies.
Click here to download a copy of our project prospectus.
Questions? Click here to contact us now to discuss, or call us at 615-234-2757
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